Sh2-223/224 - Double Supernova Remnants in Auriga
This 2-panel mosaic shows two supernova remnants SNR G166.0+04.3 also cataloged as Sh2-224 and its lesser known companion Sh2-223 or LBN 769 and LBN 768. The Sharpless and Lynds designations the HII regions within the remnant. Sh2-224 is also noted as a BLAZER in the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) 2FGL data series (2FGL J0526.6+4308) - indicating it as a high energy particle ejection source. Sources like this are most often the compact remnant from a star's supernova explosion, namely a neutron star or black hole that accelerates particles to relativistic velocities and emits high energy radiation. Scientific Information about Sh2-223 is very sparse, it is most probably a supernova remnant aswell.
The narrowband data of both objects were photographed with our two widefield setups individually. A LRGB 2-panel mosaic was created as a background to those observations.
Photographed from Bamberg and Heidelberg, Germany under Bortle 5 conditions.